
If you operate a dive shop, you may already own a high pressure compressor. You might also be partial pressure blending nitrox for your customers. If you are thinking about streamlining operations, Nuvair can help. We can integrate our patented membrane system into your existing compressors to safely and economically produce an unlimited supply of nitrox. No more dealing with the cost and hassles of handling large oxygen tanks or the issues surrounding oxygen cleaning! We offer four turnkey breathing air/nitrox scuba packages specifically configured for dive shops.

Dive Shop Compressor Packages

Dive Shop Compressor Package Examples

Below are images of previous dive shop installations. We offer four turnkey breathing air/nitrox scuba packages specifically configured for dive shops. If you are looking for something different or just need a nitrox generator to convert your dive shop air compressor to a nitrox generating system, send us an email and we will work with you to fulfill your compressed breathing gas needs.

Dive Shop Installation

Two nitrox/air 9.5 SCFM Voyager compressors with air storage system.

Dive Shop Packages

One nitrox/air 9.5 SCFM Voyager compressor with air storage system.

Dive Shop Packages

Nuvair LP 280 & Coltri/Nuvair Compact 18 with air storage system and fill panel.
