Quarterly Compressed Air Test Kit


Quarterly compressed air analysis sampling kit. Choose from CGA Grade E or IANTD/IAND OCA compressed air standards. See DETAILS section below for air/gas testing standards, applications, specifications, and agency.

To purchase a compressed air/gas test kit, check the box of the air standard desired, select the number of kits you wish to purchase, then click ADD TO CART.


With X-zam® Labs, collecting a specimen is a do-it yourself operation. The lab provides everything needed within our patented sampling kit, which is loaned to you at no charge. Trapping the specimen couldn't be simpler with this all-inclusive kit. There are no complicated vials or gadgets. Sampling can be conducted on a one-time basis or you may enroll in a program where specimens are analyzed on a regular schedule. Simply return your specimen to Nuvair for a quick and accurate analysis. This page is for quarterly testing of compressed air. The first test kit ships to you immediately; three additional kits ship automatically in three, six and nine months. Choose from CGA Grade E or IANTD/IAND OCA tests.

Available Compressed Air/Gas Testing Standards

LS-901072 CGA Grade D Air (G-7.1, 2011) Compressed Gas Association Fire
Oxygen (%):  19.5 - 23.5
Carbon Dioxide (ppm): 1000
Carbon Monoxide (ppm): 10
Water Vapor (ppm): 67*
Dew Point (F): -50
Oil/Part. (mg/m3): 5
Odor: None
LS-901172 CGA Grade E Air (G-7.1, 2011) Compressed Gas Association Dive Oxygen (%): 20-22
Carbon Dioxide (ppm): 1000
Carbon Monoxide (ppm): 10
Hydrocarbons (ppm): 25
Oil/Part. (mg/m3): 5
Odor: None
Unknowns: N/A
LS-909172 IANTD/IAND (2010) - Oxygen Compatible Air (OCA) International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers / International Association of Nitrox Divers Dive Oxygen (%): 20-22
Carbon Dioxide (ppm): 1000
Carbon Monoxide (ppm): 2
Water Vapor (ppm): 67
Dew Point (F): -50
Hydrocarbons (ppm): 25
Oil/Part. (mg/m3): 0.1
Odor: None
Unknowns: N/A