Vaporshell 13X Molecular Sieve

Vaporshell™ 13X Molecular Sieve (desiccant) used for breathing air and laboratory gas dehydration (drying). Vaporshell™ 13X is up to four times more powerful than other desiccants - especially at elevated (up to 120°F) temperatures. It can adsorb up to 23% of its own weight in water and reach down to -102°F dew point.

Grouped product items
Product Name Qty
Vaporshell 13X Molecular Sieve - 2.5 Gallons | SKU CF-244225-SR
Vaporshell 13X Molecular Sieve - Gallon | SKU CF-244215-SR
Vaporshell 13X Molecular Sieve - Quart | SKU CF-244212-SR